I am an experimental philosopher. Experimental philosophy (in short: Xphi) is a rather young field philosophical research in which researcher use empirical tools from psychology, sociology, linguistics, neuroscience, and other related fields to answer philosophical quesitons. I strongly believe in Xphi as a new, promising approach to classical philosophical matters.
For this reason, I co-founded the Experimental Philosophy Group Germany, together with Prof. Albert Newen and Dr. Kevin Reuter in 2015. Joining forces with other local and national XPhi groups in Europe, we founded the Experimental Philosophy Group Europe in 2019. You find a list of our conferences below. Together we organise an annual conference to discuss the latest Xphi research in Europe and beyond. In 2023, this conference will be held at the University of Zurich, organised by Kevin Reuter, Michael Messerli, Ethan Landes, Markus Kneer, and myself.
We also offer workshops and summer schools on experimental methods, corpus linguistics, conceptual engineering, and other topics.